Pulumi Complete Python Guide

Table of Contents


In this guide, we cover the complete steps to deploy a virtual machine on the grid with Pulumi via Python.

To provide a uniform deployment method, we use Docker for this guide. It is optional but will greatly facilitate the deployment as the steps will be similar for Linux, MacOS and Windows.

This guide is useful to get you started quickly with Pulumi on the TFGrid.

Once you've successfully deployed a VM, you can try all the different Python examples within the pulumi-threefold repository. The examples are available in the subdirectory /examples/python/.



  • Deploy a Docker Ubuntu container in interactive mode:

    sudo docker run -it --net=host ubuntu:jammy /bin/bash
  • In Docker Ubuntu, deploy a VM with Pulumi. Make sure to add your MNEMONIC and SSH_KEY below before running the script. For this deployment we use main as the NETWORK. Change this if needed.

    # Install the prerequisites
    apt update && apt install -y curl git python3 python-is-python3 python3-venv python3-pip
    # Install Pulumi
    curl -fsSL https://get.pulumi.com | sh
    export PATH=$PATH=:/root/.pulumi/bin
    # Clone the ThreeFold Pulumi repo
    git clone https://github.com/threefoldtech/pulumi-threefold.git
    cd pulumi-threefold
    # Prepare the Pulumi Python environment
    cd examples/python
    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    cd virtual_machine
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    # Export the variables
    export NETWORK="main"
    # Start Pulumi
    make run
  • You can now SSH into the deployment from your local machine terminal

    ssh root@VM_IP
  • To destroy the deployment, run the following line within the Docker Ubuntu terminal.

    make destroy

Alternative to Make Commands

You can use direct Pulumi commands instead of the Make commands above.

  • You can replace make run with:
    pulumi login --local
    pulumi up
  • You can replace make destroy with:
    pulumi down
    pulumi stack rm <stack_name>

That being said, the Make commands run additional features. Feel free to explore the possibilities and consult the files within the repo for more information.

Last change: 2024-08-15