Deploying a VM with Mycelium Network

Table of Contents


We present information on how to deploy a VM with Mycelium network by the Javascript client with concrete examples.

Consult the official Mycelium repo to learn more.


Here is a simple example on how to use Mycelium with the Javascript client:

import { generateRandomHexSeed, GridClient, MachinesDeleteModel, MachinesModel } from "../src";
import { config, getClient } from "./client_loader";
import { log } from "./utils";

async function deploy(client: GridClient, vms: MachinesModel) {
  const res = await client.machines.deploy(vms);
  log("================= Deploying VM =================");
  log("================= Deploying VM =================");

async function getDeployment(client: GridClient, name: string) {
  const res = await client.machines.getObj(name);
  log("================= Getting deployment information =================");
  log("================= Getting deployment information =================");

async function cancel(client: GridClient, options: MachinesDeleteModel) {
  const res = await client.machines.delete(options);
  log("================= Canceling the deployment =================");
  log("================= Canceling the deployment =================");

async function main() {
  const name = "newMY";
  const grid3 = await getClient(`vm/${name}`);

  const vms: MachinesModel = {
    network: {
      name: "hellotest",
      ip_range: "",
      myceliumSeeds: [
          nodeId: 168,
           * ### Mycelium Network Seed:
           * - The `seed` is an optional field used to provide a specific seed for the Mycelium network.
           * - If not provided, the `GridClient` will generate a seed automatically when the `mycelium` flag is enabled.
           * - **Use Case:** If you need the new machine to have the same IP address as a previously deleted machine, you can reuse the old seed by setting the `myceliumSeed` field.
          seed: generateRandomHexSeed(32),
    machines: [
        name: "testvmMY",
        node_id: 168,
        disks: [
            name: "wedDisk",
            size: 8,
            mountpoint: "/testdisk",
        public_ip: false,
        public_ip6: false,
        planetary: true,
         * ### Mycelium Flag Behavior:
         * - When the `mycelium` flag is enabled, there’s no need to manually provide the `myceliumSeed` flag.
         * - The `GridClient` will automatically generate the necessary seed for you.
         * - **However**, if you have **an existing seed** from a previously deleted machine and wish to deploy a new machine that retains the same IP address,
         * - **you can simply pass in the old seed during deployment instead of calling the `generateRandomHexSeed()` function**.
        mycelium: true,
         * ### Mycelium Seed:
         * - The `myceliumSeed` is an optional field used to provide a specific seed for the Mycelium network.
         * - If not provided, the `GridClient` will generate a seed automatically when the `mycelium` flag is enabled.
         * - **Use Case:** If you need the new machine to have the same IP address as a previously deleted machine, you can reuse the old seed by setting the `myceliumSeed` field.
        myceliumSeed: generateRandomHexSeed(3), // (HexSeed of length 6)
        cpu: 1,
        memory: 1024 * 2,
        rootfs_size: 0,
        flist: "",
        entrypoint: "/sbin/zinit init",
        env: {
          SSH_KEY: config.ssh_key,
    metadata: "",
    description: "test deploying single VM with mycelium via ts grid3 client",

  //Deploy VMs
  await deploy(grid3, vms);

  //Get the deployment
  await getDeployment(grid3, name);

  //Uncomment the line below to cancel the deployment
  // await cancel(grid3, { name });

  await grid3.disconnect();


Detailed Explanation

What is the Mycelium Network

Mycelium is an IPv6 overlay network written in Rust. Each node that joins the overlay network will receive an overlay network IP in the 400::/7 range.

How to Deploy a Machine with the Mycelium Network

You just need to enable mycelium: set it to true as we did in the example above.

const machines = [
    // Other attrs
    mycelium: true,


Mycelium Flag Behavior

const machines = [
    // Other attrs
    mycelium: true,
  • When the mycelium flag is enabled, there’s no need to manually provide the myceliumSeed flag.
  • The GridClient will automatically generate the necessary seed for you.
  • However, if you have an existing seed from a previously deleted machine and wish to deploy a new machine that retains the same IP address,
  • you can simply pass in the old seed during deployment instead of calling the generateRandomHexSeed() function.

Mycelium Machine Seed

const machines = [
    // Other attrs
    myceliumSeed: generateRandomHexSeed(3),
  • The myceliumSeed is an optional field used to provide a specific seed for the Mycelium network.
  • If not provided, the GridClient will generate a seed automatically when the mycelium flag is enabled.
  • Use Case: If you need the new machine to have the same IP address as a previously deleted machine, you can reuse the old seed by setting the myceliumSeed field.

Mycelium Network Seed

const network = {
  // Other attrs
  myceliumSeeds: [
      nodeId: 1,
      seed: generateRandomHexSeed(32),
  • The seed is an optional field used to provide a specific seed for the Mycelium network.
  • If not provided, the GridClient will generate a seed automatically when the mycelium flag is enabled.
  • Use Case: If you need the new machine to have the same IP address as a previously deleted machine, you can reuse the old seed by setting the myceliumSeed field.
Last change: 2024-08-15